Just News. Just the Issues.

Our mission is to deliver fact- and event-based news relating to US politics.

The proliferation of new digital news mediums has blurred the lines between traditional, fact-based reporting and opinion-based news. In a world of infinite content, reading past the headlines and getting the facts before seeking and developing opinions requires conscientious effort. We are here to make that easier.

In doing so, we want to re-orient the news around the key political issues that our representatives campaign on, and we vote on.

The ability of latest viral news story to dominate the news cycle has reduced the opportunities for us to discover and learn about other important political events. Broader, sustained attention to the functions of our politics can make us more informed voters, and allow us to better hold our representatives accountable. Knowledge is power.

To help you be a more astute and discerning consumer of information, we provide multiple perspectives on the news, from multiple sources.

By now we are all familiar with the echo chamber effect — where we reside within bubbles of people and news sources that agree with us. News organizations by design present a specific view of the world, manifest in the positioning of their stories and their selection process.

This means that the person you disagree with may be receiving different facts or reading about different stories altogether. In light of this, it is on us to escape our bubbles and see things from the other side — this is the only way we can combat polarization and facilitate conversation across the political spectrum.